How To Help Your Garden Birds During Autumn

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can help your birds this Autumn.

Autumn is always marked by the falling of leaves and berries on the hedgerows. It’s also the time when you start to see more birds in your garden as they start feeding in earnest to ensure their survival through the harsher months ahead.

During October, make sure to look out for; Robins laying claim to their winter feeding territories. Coal Tits returning to your garden to grab food and hiding it somewhere for later! Large murmurations of Starlings gathering at dusk to roost through the night, and then disperse during the day to feed. Winter thrushes, like Redwings also start to arrive.

Here’s how to Help Your Garden Birds Survive and Thrive!

Autumn is the time when it becomes important to help our feathered friends. You can do this by keeping your feeders full with high energy food sources, as the reality is without our help many are likely to perish in the colder months to come.

High protein blends 

Support your garden birds with high protein bird blends such as Premium Robin and Softbill No Mess Seed Blend, Premium High Energy Robin Insect Mix, Premium Gold, and Robin Autumn/Winter Mix. Suet balls, suet blocks and suet pellets are also a perfect combo as they provide both nutrition and energy benefits. Starvation is the biggest threat our garden birds face so providing them with regular, reliable food sources can be the key to helping support their survival. P.S- dried mealworms are also a favourite!

Stock up feeders

Add more feeders to your garden as this will potentially create the environment for more varieties of garden birds to visit your garden. For smaller garden areas bird feeding stations and window feeders are ideal. Did you know birds such as Blue Tits have to eat over a third of their own body weight to survive? This is also the time of year to clean out your feeders to prevent the build up of any fatal diseases that can kill our garden birds.

Fresh water

Ensure you provide fresh water as it’s essential for our garden birds. It can be provided by water drinkers, water trays on feeding stations and bird baths. As the weather turns colder frost can cause the water to freeze so consider adding a bird-safe de-icer to the water, we can recommend one from our carefully selected range.

Clean nest boxes

Did you know this is the best time to empty your nest boxes and introduce more as is it’s a fact that there are not enough nesting holes or natural roosting spots to ensure our feathered friends all survive during the colder winter months. Now the birds have finished breeding and there are unlikely to be any wasps inside the nest boxes it’s best the best time to clean and relocate if they haven’t been used as it may be due to them not being sited in the best location in your garden. After emptying, wash out with boiling water (taking care not to scald yourself) or mild disinfectant. Always remember, it is illegal to keep any eggs that you may find.

Key Facts To Consider When Siting Your Next Box

  • Face away from strong northerly or easterly winds
  • Face away from direct sunlight
  • Secured around 6’ up the tree to prevent predators such as cats
  • Away from smothering vegetation, such as ivy, which makes it difficult for fledglings to attempt to leave the nest box until they’re ready.

If you follow the above there’s an excellent chance you’ll be rewarded with fledglings next spring and really make a difference in supporting the sustainability of of favourite garden birds.

Lets also spare a thought for the hedgehogs as they plan their annual hibernation so please think carefully before disturbing any leaf piles, garden debris areas and check any bonfire sites carefully before starting the fire.

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